James Morrison

Wine of Youth

1924 Filma

The Picture Idol

1912 Filma

Willie's Sister

1912 Filma

As You Like It

1912 Filma

Suing Susan

1912 Filma

Captain Blood

1924 Filma

Black Beauty

1921 Filma

Sins of Ambition

1917 Filma

Sowing the Wind

1921 Filma

The Man Next Door

1923 Filma

The Dangerous Age

1923 Filma

Life or Honor?

1918 Filma

Danger Ahead!

1921 Filma

My Official Wife

1914 Filma

Beau Brummel

1913 Filma

Only a Shop Girl

1922 Filma

The Seventh Son

1912 Filma

The Serpents

1912 Filma

Yellow Bird

1912 Filma

The Miracle

1912 Filma

I'm on My Way

1919 Filma

The Geranium

1911 Filma

She Never Knew

1912 Filma

Too Much Burglar

1914 Filma

Shattered Idols

1922 Filma

Easter Babies

1911 Filma

Cherry Blossoms

1911 Filma

The Life Boat

1911 Filma

The Sex Lure

1916 Filma

The Christian

1914 Filma

The First Violin

1912 Filma

The Struggle

1912 Filma

Lulu's Anarchist

1912 Filma

Twin Flappers

1927 Filma

The Impostor

1926 Filma


1925 Filma

Held to Answer

1923 Filma

The Foster Child

1912 Filma

The Black Sheep

1912 Filma

The Two Battles

1912 Filma

Handle with Care

1922 Filma

The Woman Game

1920 Filma

Sacred Silence

1919 Filma

Over the Top

1918 Filma


1917 Filma

Moral Suicide

1918 Filma

Crazy by Proxy

1917 Filma

Betty's Baby

1913 Filma

Tommy's Sister

1912 Filma

The Higher Mercy

1912 Filma

The Indian Mutiny

1912 Filma

A Modern Atalanta

1912 Filma

Two of a Kind

1913 Filma

Babbling Tongues

1917 Filma

Phantom Fortunes

1916 Filma

The Alibi

1916 Filma

The Man Hunt

1916 Filma

The Ruling Power

1915 Filma

The Third Party

1915 Filma


1915 Filma

Pawns of Mars

1915 Filma

A Fortune Hunter

1915 Filma

A Wireless Rescue

1915 Filma

Twice Rescued

1915 Filma

Mother's Roses

1915 Filma

The Greater Love

1914 Filma

The Web

1913 Filma

The Tiger Lily

1913 Filma

The Swan Girl

1913 Filma

Up in a Balloon

1913 Filma

A Christmas Story

1913 Filma

Wooing the Cook

1914 Filma

Marrying Sue

1914 Filma

Iron and Steel

1914 Filma

The Hero

1914 Filma

A Pair of Frauds

1914 Filma

The Portrait

1914 Filma

He Never Knew

1914 Filma

The Vanity Case

1914 Filma

Fanny's Melodrama

1914 Filma

Miss Raffles

1914 Filma

The Crime of Cain

1914 Filma

Two Stepchildren

1914 Filma

The Toll

1914 Filma

The Soul of Luigi

1914 Filma

The Apple

1914 Filma

The Honeymooners

1914 Filma

Regan's Daughter

1914 Filma

Within an Ace

1914 Filma

Netty or Letty

1914 Filma

One Law for Both

1917 Filma